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il y a 6 jours · This guide is for those interested in teaching and teacher education, both research and practice. Recent e-books
il y a 6 jours · Leuven Database of Ancient Books. Ancient Author & Work: Book / Chapter: Verse: Culture: Genre: Religion: Purpose: Reuse: Language (/ script): Material:
il y a 7 jours · This bibliometric review employs science mapping to trace the development of the EMI-related literature and obtained 1378 relevant Scopus-indexed documents ...
il y a 7 jours · Through his literature and observations, Conrad emphasizes the importance of empathy—a quality that transcends gender, time, and culture. As readers, we are ...
il y a 4 jours · Giving an honest and detailed review not only makes it clear for the buyers but also provides constructive criticism to the writer.
il y a 6 jours · Welcome to my blog, Noteworthy. Besides updates about what's going on in my writing world, you'll find fun and engaging author interviews from my “Make Note Of ...
il y a 2 jours · The Independent is an important voice in the community of readers and writers dedicated to book reviews and writing about the world of books.
WSB Holiday Catalog! | Water Street Bookstore, Inc. › list › wsb-holiday-catalog
il y a 6 jours · WSB Holiday Catalog! ; Julia Child's Kitchen: The Design, Tools, Stories, and Legacy of an Iconic Space. Paula J. Johnson · $50.00 ; Ottolenghi Comfort: A Cookbook.
il y a 6 jours · Wordsworth Donisthorpe (1847–1914) was the son of George Edmund Donisthorpe, an inventor who had profited from patenting a number of inventions relating to wool ...
il y a 7 jours · Religion remains an aspect of culture often missing from picturebooks, based on the misunderstanding that religion has no place in U.S. public schools.