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il y a 19 heures · Join us for an author talk and book signing as author Addie L. Robinson discusses her 2023 nonfiction book, A Queen Like Me: From Rags to ...
il y a 12 heures · Exploring all aspects of nursing research, training, education, and practice, BMC Nursing is a well-established open access peer-reviewed journal. Rapid ...
Termes manquants : Literary | Afficher les résultats avec :Literary
il y a 11 heures · A plot refers to the sequence of events and actions that make up the structure of a narrative. It is the central framework that holds the story together.
il y a 24 heures · ... book by Michael Connors captures the best of British West Indies Style . Many of the English island great houses showcased in the volume are hidden to most ...
il y a 23 heures · Writing down key tasks helps you stay focused and organized. Break larger goals into manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed and maintain steady progress.
il y a 16 heures · Final Cut is the first book in author Marjorie McCown's fascinating Hollywood Mystery series, and it features Hollywood costumer Joey Jessop as the unlikely ...
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