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"inauthor: Oregon Pioneer Association. Reunion" sur
This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of the Pacific Northwest. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.
"inauthor: Oregon Pioneer Association. Reunion" sur
... Oregon Coast ( Portland : Bin- fords and Mort , 1974 ) , 173 ; Deur ... Pioneer Association , Trans- actions of the Fifteenth Annual Reunion of the ... in author's possession . sop . 42. Paul See , ibid ; Hanson , Life on Clat ...
"inauthor: Oregon Pioneer Association. Reunion" sur
... OREGON RECEIVING GOOD PUBLICITY IN AUTHOR'S LECTURES WRITER OF " LET ER BUCK ... organization and Portland was represented by a delegation of about 15 last ... pioneer , cow- boy , Indian and buckskin - clad scout . Among the ...
"inauthor: Oregon Pioneer Association. Reunion" sur
... pioneers . Tennessee born , Ewing Young learned the cabinet making trade ... in author's This Side of Oregon . ) Arriving at Ft . Vancouver , the party ... society . By 1835 Young had crops growing in the rich soil of the ...