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"inauthor: Oregon Pioneer Association" sur
... OREGON RECEIVING GOOD PUBLICITY IN AUTHOR'S LECTURES WRITER OF " LET ER BUCK ... organization and Portland was represented by a delegation of about 15 last ... pioneer , cow- boy , Indian and buckskin - clad scout . Among the ...
"inauthor: Oregon Pioneer Association" sur
... pioneer camping . Describes the contents of their packs and what they eat . Wild life there . Few trails . Oregon ... Club of Oregon had a two weeks ' camping and hiking trip during July and ... in author's book , " Call of the ...
"inauthor: Oregon Pioneer Association" sur
... society , and because the painful and destructive im- pact of the condition is not only extensive but is ... Oregon has submitted similar resolution in the present session . The PRESIDENT pro tempore . The resolution will be ...
"inauthor: Oregon Pioneer Association" sur
... Oregon and Rocky Moun- tains . By Alexander Ross . 2 vols . Smith , Elder & Co. Mr. Ross speaks with " connaissance ... pioneer of civilization . ' The North - West Company succeeded to the perils and profits of its predecessor ...
"inauthor: Oregon Pioneer Association" sur
... Oregon ( Buckell ) , June 20 , 1925. In National Collection , Ottawa , Canada . Named in honor of Dr. J. McDunnough ... In Author's coll . through courtesy of James Cot- tle of San Francisco , our pioneer lepidopterist , after whom ...