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il y a 5 minutes · Classic mysteries, golden age American crime film, and modern fantasy novels—plus a side of pulp-noir style—in a dark fantasy version of Hollywood. That's where ...
il y a 15 heures · William Ralph Inge KCVO FBA was an English author, Anglican priest, professor of divinity at Cambridge, and dean of St Paul's Cathedral.
Termes manquants : John | Afficher les résultats avec :John
il y a 7 heures · The nation's leading, trusted source of quality data about its people & economy.
il y a 11 heures · We optimize seapower by applying relevant oceanographic knowledge in support of National Security.
il y a 5 heures · The International Monetary Fund (IMF) works to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity for all of its 191 member countries.
Termes manquants : John | Afficher les résultats avec :John
il y a 9 heures · In a post on his blog and Facebook this morning, David Brin, noted SF author and accomplished prognosticator, reminds us that Robert Heinlein forewarned us, in ...
il y a 9 heures · Alexa Donley is a speculative fiction writer from Washington. When not writing, she can be found traveling or walking in storms. Her first novel, The House on ...
il y a 7 minutes · The Federal Aviation Administration is an operating mode of the U.S. Department of Transportation.
Termes manquants : John D.
il y a 9 heures · Brain and Behavior is an open access journal that publishes research relating to every area of neurology, neuroscience, psychology and psychiatry.
il y a 6 heures · DIGITAL HEALTH is a peer reviewed open access journal which focuses on healthcare in the digital world, bridging the evolution of advances in informatics and ...