... al . The emerging role of autophagy in the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus . Autophagy 2011 ; 7 ( 1 ) : 2–11 . [ 13 ] Mellor KM , Bell JR , Young MJ , Ritchie RH , Delbridge LM . Myocardial autophagy activation and suppressed ...
... In the case of social networking websites, a more complex segmentation is necessary. The Never Ending Friending ... al- ways looking for new connections (“Social network is all about appearances”). • The Connectors: The human hubs ...
... Huba Wass de Czege , " Maneuver in the Information Age , ” in Pfaltzgraff and Shultz , eds . , pp . 203-24 ; Dick ... al . , America Still Unprepared - America Still in Danger : Report of an Independent Task Force Sponsored by the ...
... in internal - com- bustion engines . GEAR CUTTING INTERNAL CLUTCH TEETH ... hubs that are flush with face or extend beyond it , developed by Fellows ... A. L. Stewart and E. Wildhaber printed in June 1926 issue of Journal . See ...
Comment Vladimir Poutine, un ancien agent du KGB de peu d’envergure, a-t-il pu devenir en si peu de temps l’un des dirigeants les plus autoritaires de la planète, mettant à mal les efforts de son pays sur la voie de la démocratie ?
Pour Klaus Schwab, notre responsabilité est colossale et collective. À la croisée des mondes, voici plusieurs axes de réflexion pour penser et façonner notre futur autour des notions de prospérité et d’humanisme.
... in eny allu re , there ce to the in rela nnection may add , cumente of his ... al- supplies , are referred to the advertisement of tioned distance is ... hubs and statement , or one similar in its tendency , had even fellies ...
... al. (eds), Knut Hamsun: Transgression and Worlding. Acta Nordica, Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press, pp. 189–203 ... in a New Architecture in Author Museums and Centres 67.
La littératie à l’ère de l’information, rapport final de l’enquête internationale sur la littératie des adultes, témoigne de la nature et de l’amplitude des déficits en matière de littératie que les pays de l’OCDE doivent ...