... Mrs Ernest Majer of Spokane, lo WH- limn Incrnm Harvey II., lieutenant United Slates nnvrj. infantry son of Mr* Daniel llnrv.p\ of Glen- shaw. Pa. Dr. Chmles K. MrAlll'- (er, dean of the cathedral, nfflnnt- ed ... Kendall. fant gown of white ...
... in. Author James Dickey still stops by occasionally. It isn't the decor ... Mrs. Leiur B. Barnes, Columbia Joe F. Betue, Lockhart Clyde H. Benton ... Kendall Institute, formerly a Presbyterian operated private school in Sumter ...
... ed excellent liealtli since. Her grief, though h ugh silent, reduced her strengtn to that h t slate that pneumonia, thougii of a light ht type, prevailed witn fatal result. Mrs. Mrs. U'Keilly wa<5 best known as the wile e of J 01111 ...
... education and a full exposition of the State's manufactures and farms ... (Mrs. Allen) i» well-know aj a Teriider The part which our. 31aine's Innings ... Kendall" in our judgment is as fine a poet as the State has ever, produced ...
... Kendall ascribe, hit re 'Cnalion of llir-st impnrlsnl stations l» old i-r ... Mrs. Jackson, mid her si*tcr Mr.. Adams, regularly at* ten/led lo thrir ... ed, and whoso tnf mo tge two nu»»'. c:;.vi;rti otncos, thereby . . BIV *IV ...