... William Shakespeare, and the Folger George a Greene', Shakespeare Quarterly 49:1 (1998), 74–83. Andrew Nusca, 'Print ... Parker, Herman Melville, 1851–1891 (Baltimore, MD and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002). Ryan ...
... Parker. Sullivan, however, said the Germans abandoned the vehicle without firing. Sullivan CI. Parker CI. Sullivan ... Riley, E. M. Lonchar, and Melvin I. Mason, 10th Armored Division, 12, 15 March 1945. Hereafter cited as Riley CI ...
On the physiology of perfume, the sense of smell, influence of scent on memory, the classification of smells, and the medicinal properties attributed to perfume in classical times.
... William H. and Elizabeth ( Armstrong ) C .; ed . Jennings Sem . , Aurora , Ill . , Beloit ( Wis . ) Coll . and State Univ . of Iowa ; m . Detroit , June 15 , 1876 , Emma E. Parker . Admitted to bar , 1877 ; now mem . firm Carr , Hewitt , ...
... RILEY , JOHN , an English painter , 1646-1691 . RIDER , WILLIAM , master of St. Paul's school , RING , JOHN , a ... Parker Society . [ E.R. ] Scotland , and in his twenty - second year became RIDLEY , SIR THOMAS , of the same ...
... William McCombs , " Chronicles of Oklahoma 8 ( March 1930 ) : 138 . 19. Jones Gladstone Emery , Court of the Damned ; Being a Factual Story of the Court of Judge Isaac C. Parker ... Riley Hall , “ East Side Landmark of Creek Indians Torn ...
... in author's possession Major W. H. H. Llewellyn , commander of a company in the regiment of Rough Riders Henry Cabot Lodge , U.S. Senator , Massachusetts ; historian ; longtime friend of Roosevelt William Loeb , Roosevelt's White House ...