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il y a 4 jours · Walton's Creek, Land of Our Fathers (Acclaim Press 2024), Rickie Zayne Ashby's debut novel, is a book you should judge by its cover.
il y a 7 jours · Transforming education and uniting around what truly works — based on decades of experience and research — to advance educational equity. About Raise the Bar.
Termes manquants : inauthor: Western Literary
il y a 5 jours · Free-riding in academic co-authorship is prevalent in Iran and India, though less pronounced in developed countries. •. Meso- and macro-level inefficiencies ...
il y a 2 jours · The Goucher Young Writers' Camp is a one-week intensive creative writing workshop for high schoolers who love to write! Spend five days exploring fiction…
il y a 5 jours · TRCP's “In the Arena” series highlights the individual voices of hunters and anglers who, as Theodore Roosevelt so famously said, strive valiantly in the ...
il y a 7 jours · We believe in readers and in the written word. We believe in community. We believe in making a difference through books. 414 Elk Avenue, Crested Butte, ...
il y a 2 jours · “To survive, you must tell stories.” These words from Umberto Eco encapsulate his profound understanding of storytelling's role in shaping humanity.
il y a 4 jours · This book has about 2 & 1/2 weeks left on Kindle Unlimited. If you have KU and you want to read it FREE, don't waste time. this is the first in the Chuck ...
il y a 2 jours · Join us for an author talk and book signing as author Addie L. Robinson discusses her 2023 nonfiction book, A Queen Like Me: From Rags to ...
il y a 6 jours · When you have the chance to write a sequel, you do it… right? Well, for Alan Smale, the answer was not as straightforward as all that.