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"inauthor: University of Michigan. Political Science Association" sur
... government, and communications. First, second, and third-place awards are ... University of Toledo student union. The theme of the conference is "A ... Michigan Women's Commission and the American Association of University Women ...
"inauthor: University of Michigan. Political Science Association" sur
... in "Author at Work"; John ... Science" (1985) Anthony Michael Hall. Kelly LeBrock. Frustrated by dateless ... University basketball report. (TMPO) Crazy Eddta (TNN) Crook And Chase (USA) Riptide (WTBS) Portrait Of America: Michigan ...
"inauthor: University of Michigan. Political Science Association" sur
... Michigan AVenue when I looked up and saw Ocalans sitting across the room. Stan Bustetter and Heide Abbott were representing the Library at the American Library Association ... science. Seminars and oanel discussions led to better ...