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"inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations" sur
... United states governor at Alaska tor prosecution under the law. Officers of ... congress from l^b'9 to If7-r>. President lirant appointed him assistant ... Senate— Siirelnl Sexalou. WASHINGTON, March Is —The senate opened with ...
"inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations" sur
... foreign policy J It is an American principle. It must be an American policy ... Senate. The incident, so far as we are concerned, is closed. The. League exists as a • fpreign agency. We hope it will be helpful. But the United States ...
"inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations" sur
... senate and bowed to his itudlonco, Tho chief executlvo spoko slowly and deliberately, without effort at oratory. His first applauuo came when ho declared tho Unltad States ... congress tho Nation has lost President Harding. Tho world know his ...
"inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations" sur
... foreign in"Ctesar, witn a Senate at his heels," Gustavus Adolphus or ... relations Works, vol. iv, p. 186.) er, creating Cabinet oflicers, judges ... United States; but his On reaching Washington at the PRESIDENTIAL PRETENSIONS ...
"inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations" sur
... relations between Canada and the United States to regard this action ns ... foreign. These deep differences cut Into the domestic policy of all ... senate and the house, who art eager to take Uncle Bam lor a Joy ride into the ...
"inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations" sur
... Congress. And in conversation yesterday afternoon he c-xpressed his fear that the Wilson bill will be forced through the Senate and thus become a law. "I have been hoping for the sake of the workingmen of the United States that the ...
"inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations" sur
... in the face, but it won't do them any good," he said. "The ethics of American politics is victory." Wicker said Democrats, who control Congress and many state legislatures, are not a weak party — they simply haven't been the ...
"inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations" sur
... senate committee having done what he is ng the shipbxiildoi-s for $250,000 fofr hav- ng done. Governor Carlton has been promoted. And chairman of the international committee on public affairs, Kiwanis, is some honor, too. Quite ft ...
"inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations" sur
... United States against the calamitous measure. There was an entire lack of ... Congress to do something to improve affairs, and the Ways and Means ... Senate Cojnmlt tee. If they havn hearings, which I thtnfe thoy will. at any ...
"inauthor: United States. Congress. Senate. Foreign Relations" sur
... of the summer solstice aro tempered, nnd exorcise In the open nlr r is ... States If she were nl- lowcd lo go there with Mr. Nute nnd present her onse ... Congress, and the whole State Senate, with, perhaps, the exception of the ...