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il y a 5 jours · The House Foreign Affairs Committee considers measures about the relations of the United States with foreign nations, protection of United States' citizens ...
il y a 9 heures · The Appropriations 101 series continues with Interior and Environment Subcommittee Chairman Mike Simpson sitting down with Robert Aderholt (R-AL), who leads the ...
il y a 18 heures · Sonya Passi , founder & CEO of FreeFrom, a national organization transforming our society's response to gender-based violence, discusses her new documentary ...
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il y a 4 jours · 392K seguidores, A seguir 321, 4309 publicações – Texas Monthly (@texasmonthly) no Instagram: "Your source for Texas news, politics, food, culture, travel, ...
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il y a 4 jours · Embracing foreign demand, capital and technology should be the pillar of a new growth strategy that can improve India's economic competitiveness and help it...
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il y a 3 jours · The BJP emerged victori- ous with 132 seats, while its allies--the Shiv Sena led by Eknath Shinde and the. NCP led by Ajit Pawar-. -secured 57 and 41 seats,.
il y a 4 jours · Featuring 277 industry-first reviews of fiction, nonfiction, children's, and YA books; also in this issue: the 200 best children's and 100 best non...
il y a 6 jours · Hal Lindsey, who popularized end times theology by connecting biblical prophecy to current and near-future events, died on November 25 at the age of 95.
il y a 1 jour · So I think “Christian Nationalism” in America would be, in ascending order of likelihood: Catholic Integralism; Calvinistic Reconstructionism; A blasphemous ...
il y a 2 jours · I am a retired lawyer and an Orthodox Christian, living in a collapsing civilization, the modern West. There are things I'll miss when it's gone.