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"inauthor: St. Louis Mo, board of directors of the publ. sch" sur
Comment comprendre les rapports entre la production technique et scientifique et l'évolution des sociétés ou des cultures ?
"inauthor: St. Louis Mo, board of directors of the publ. sch" sur
Held at St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A., August 29 to September 3, 1904 Edward ... published and the prizes paid , and in the furthering of prophy- laxis , etc ... school children and the lower classes of people . Discussion . Dr. J. Y. ...
"inauthor: St. Louis Mo, board of directors of the publ. sch" sur
L'entrepreneuriat est au coeur de l'actualité.
"inauthor: St. Louis Mo, board of directors of the publ. sch" sur
Refutation of Descartes' theory of vortices