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"inauthor: Select collection" sur
... select collection of Old Plays, in 12 vols. with additional notes and corrections.^ the late Isaac Reed, Octavius ... In, author of Sartoii Resnrtus, &c; the life and land of Burns, by Allan Cunnigham, with contributions by Thomas ...
"inauthor: Select collection" sur
... Select heavy grapelearn shorthand? Because fruit as this insures a well shorthand lessons cost monfilled juicy fruit. ey and many weeks in time. . Bananas are one of the "Shortrite," according to best buys. Select bananas in Author Rae ...
"inauthor: Select collection" sur
... Select bananas' in Author Rae C. Greenburg, is the degree of ripeness acdesigned for students, writtween police and colored cicording to when and how ers, secretaries seeking to tizens," She added that even you V plan * to use them ...
"inauthor: Select collection" sur
Morn Piano Head. Kin. Dews, Jesus Saviour of my Soul, M Select beauties of the Lyvo for lllc Piano, Love has been there, -New Waltzes ajid Rpndos,'riir> S« jss («tirls, A new selection of favorite Airs, Sc. a new collection ... in, author ...
"inauthor: Select collection" sur
Hurricane death count in Author ... select the books for display. That panel named a committee of authors and librarians, headed by Vonnegut, to draw up the list from. books published in the last five years or so. At first blush, the list ...
"inauthor: Select collection" sur
... select- d stock m the west. 31-H-Ot. Bettor than a circus, minstrel, or thea- or for fun— RH Perkins, on "Philosophy ... in author column. They make some olfers mt tho ladies will find very interesting, r. Loewenberg's trip to ...
"inauthor: Select collection" sur
... select, choose and pay the price. People are interested in your actions ... collect, pay. multi- pi) and divide. Your arithmcllc inn) be put to test ... in author live position could pull stri . for you. Gemini. Virgo pers figure ...
"inauthor: Select collection" sur
... IN author, no condemnation that. they enn shower upon hi* head for the part ... select inn of n auccf snr.which will be f..und set forth in '.lie letluv ... selection of acanduiato for West Montreal. From all I can learn William ...
"inauthor: Select collection" sur
... select the Hoosicr author of a distinguished book who will be honored at the ... selection committee is Prof. Robort A. Miller, director of I. U. Libraries. Members are three book editors. Walter ... in, author of children's books.
"inauthor: Select collection" sur
... select If were left untramrneled by the Republican wire pullers. To do this ... selection of the pros- Ident has turned out to be no better, not worse ... In author- Ity. He bad seen soen Colonp, Roosevelt and others sign a robin ...