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"inauthor: Samuel Worcester" sur
... in Author Land , by Fanny Forester , 398 reviewed , .. The Struggle for Fame ...... Magdalen , from the German ... Worcester , Samuel H. Letter , noticed , C. A. D. 347 Working Men , N. E. Association , meeting of , Ο . Μ . 15 Sand ...
"inauthor: Samuel Worcester" sur
... in author of " Hudibras , " - SAMUEL B In the parish church of shire , was baptized this celebra February , 1612 . His father wa and intelligent man , and sen school at Worcester . It is not remained here , nor where his though , from ...
"inauthor: Samuel Worcester" sur
... University , where Revolution ... in author , b . at Olivet , Mich . , 9 Feb. , 1870 , son Hamburg , Germany , and , from 1916 to 1919 , of Samuel ... Worcester , ternational Research Council , in Brussels , in Mass . , which ...
"inauthor: Samuel Worcester" sur
... Samuel Griswold Goodrich. mation ; was keeper of the ( Royal Institu- died in 604. It was by him that Augustin tion ... Worcester ; and cou d , for political purposes , flatter the vi- cious great ; and was an inveterate enemy of ...
"inauthor: Samuel Worcester" sur
... Sam- uel A. ( D. D. ) and Sarah Alston ( Langdon ) W .; grad ... in- Author : tendant Municipality of Oxford . Word - lists for the Study of ... Worcester , Mass .; b . at Brookline , Mass . , Nov. 28 , 1863 ; s . William ...
"inauthor: Samuel Worcester" sur
... Samuel Hicks Seaman and his wife Hannah Richard- son Husband / compiled by ... in author's Record of the Searight family , Uniontown , Penn . , 1893 , p ... Worcester : Printed by Tyler & Seagrave , 1881 . 1 v . ( various pagings ) ...
"inauthor: Samuel Worcester" sur
... in Author of many books in defence of Quakerism , in- cluding vigorous ... ( SAMUEL ) , b . in Boston , England , Nov. 20 , 1597 , son of John Whiting ... Worcester co . , Mass . ( see map of Massachusetts , ref . 3 - F , for ...
"inauthor: Samuel Worcester" sur
... Samuel E. and Amanda C. ( Kramer ) G .; grad . Lititz High Sch . , 1895 ... in . Author : " Es gibt doch ein Geheimnis der alten italienischen ... Worcester , Mass . , Nov. 22 , 1854 , s . Organist , pianist and teacher of ...
"inauthor: Samuel Worcester" sur
... Samuel and Katharine ( Finn ) Mateer ; B.Sc. in Mining and Metallurgy ... Worcester , Mass . 1911 ; asst supt , Blast Furnaces 1 to E , So. Chicago ... in Author : Mesaba Practice " Smelting " ( Am . Iron & Steel Inst . ) , 1917 ...
"inauthor: Samuel Worcester" sur
... Samuel Taylor , Jr. , and Dashwood Peyton Darling . He also received the ... in author of more than fifty papers describing South Africa , for the ... Worcester , Mass . , 24 Jan. , 1926 , son of Parama , South Africa , the ...