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"inauthor: Samuel Worcester" sur
... Worcester Inn week, accurdlng to the Spy, ie "came off1' with a flea in his ... Samuel D. Inehain, formeily Secretary of ihe TienMiiy.Rml the Hoa. John ... in author!- /ed to ray lhal the John W . Richmond ha» KOI l><rn ...
"inauthor: Samuel Worcester" sur
... in author of delightful children's stories. She first wrote under the namp of Jane ... Worcester, Sunday morning after a. long illness. He was stricken with a ... Samuel L. Horton, for the past ur years Superintendent of the shoe ...
"inauthor: Samuel Worcester" sur
... Worcester Kallroailbpor ley, caring not whom they elevate to power multitude ... Samuel F. In^nmucf Co. entrusted to Mr. Henry "\V. Diman, of this "i ... in author cloth, World," ot sold "Footevei-c. and prices Thick. 1V4 half by ...