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Rev. Menzies Rayner died in this city [New York] on the morning of the 22d inst., at the advanced age of 80 years lacking one day.
The Universalist Manual: Or Book of Prayers and Other Religious Exercises : Adapted to the Use Both.
Rayner, Rev. Menzies. (South Hampstead, New York, November 23, 1770--November 22, 1850, New York, N.Y.). He entered the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal ...
Rayner, Menzies, 1770-1850: A dissertation upon extraordinary awakenings, or religious stirs; conversion, regeneration, renovation, and a change of heart; ...
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The Universalist Manual: Or Book of Prayers and Other Religious Exercises [Rayner, Menzies] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
Rayner, Menzies, 1770-1850. Language(s): English. Published: New Haven : Flagg & Gray, printers, 1818.
The Universalist Manual, or Book of Prayers and other Religious Exercises by Menzies Rayner (New York: “P. Price, No. 130 Fulton-Street” and Boston: “A.
Short Name: Menzies Rayner ; Full Name: Rayner, Menzies, 1770-1850 ; Birth Year: 1770 ; Death Year: 1850 ; Data Sources. Library of Congress Linked Data Service.
He began his career as a minister in the Methodist Church. Some of his writings on religion and sermons are still in print today. He was married to Rebecca ...
Looking for books by Sebastian Streeter Menzies Rayner Cobb? See all books authored by Sebastian Streeter Menzies Rayner Cobb, including Six Sermons ...