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Rev. Menzies Rayner died in this city [New York] on the morning of the 22d inst., at the advanced age of 80 years lacking one day.
Rayner, Rev. Menzies. (South Hampstead, New York, November 23, 1770--November 22, 1850, New York, N.Y.). He entered the ministry of the Protestant Episcopal ...
Rayner, Menzies, 1770-1850: A dissertation upon extraordinary awakenings, or religious stirs; conversion, regeneration, renovation, and a change of heart; ...
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The Universalist Manual: Or Book of Prayers and Other Religious Exercises; Adapted to the Use Both of Public and Private Devotion in Churches, Sunday Schools, ...
The Universalist Manual: Or Book of Prayers and Other Religious Exercises [Rayner, Menzies] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
Rayner, Menzies, 1770-1850. Language(s): English. Published: New Haven : Flagg & Gray, printers, 1818.
The Universalist Manual, or Book of Prayers and other Religious Exercises by Menzies Rayner (New York: “P. Price, No. 130 Fulton-Street” and Boston: “A.
The Universalist manual, or, Book of prayers and other religious exercises : adapted to the use both of public and private devotion in churches, Sunday schools, ...
Courtesy of Shayne Davidson: Born November 22, 1770 in Hempstead, Nassau County, New York and died November 22, 1850 in New York City, NY, Reverend Menzies ...
The Universalist Manual: Or Book of Prayers and Other Religious Exercises ... Menzies Rayner Affichage du livre entier - 1839 ...