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"inauthor: Joseph Young" sur
... in author-. Miss Compton of Roscoa is visiting Miaa Mabel Finley. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Randies were guests ot Mr. Alex. Randies recently. Mr ... Joseph Young, of New Philadelphia are visiting in Canal Le\v- ibville and thn yicinity. *
"inauthor: Joseph Young" sur
... Joseph Young, died ia Salt Lake City on the 16th inst., aged 84 years. He ... young; French novelist, who recently won the Monthyon prize of the ... in author of the "Hindoo Pantheon" —. — Peter Hathaway, aged 76, a resident ...
"inauthor: Joseph Young" sur
... Young Lad- V M.J.I...' Im;-r .v^nt-nt, Association.', .ut. ' ri<.M»-' QJ ... in author.ty should be per- is L« o-.-xirab'*- that the officers ^um bt ... Joseph E. Taylor and Cnnrles W. 1'enrose, Count-elora. High Councilors — Wm ...
"inauthor: Joseph Young" sur
Young, Joseph D. C., Second Wardi. •Young, Harry A., First Ward. The ... JOSEPH E TAYLOK, Vlce-President. A. W. CARLSON, Secretary- OnsoN F. WHITNEY ... In author 1 ity among the Saints sbosid be net In order. The revelation on ...
"inauthor: Joseph Young" sur
... in author, or, prf fessor. psychologist and published many hooks. He wns successful before he wfls 40. and in 1BSO ... Young spending nonoy In many ways weeding egotobles and delivering epgs. nnd ns a young man was a peddler, ook ...
"inauthor: Joseph Young" sur
... young men. I ndviso every man to follow in my fool steps, and when you aro ... in author and actor subordinate the low passions to an intellectual ... Joe. Johnston, Early and a host of others, among the living, to the ...
"inauthor: Joseph Young" sur
... in author. His books on Kngllsh and American literature aro standard, and ho has written religious poems and hymns ... young men performed prodigious labors and covered miles of territory. They limited each rumor to lt» source and ...
"inauthor: Joseph Young" sur
IN AUTHOR PREACHES Realistic Characters Feature I Morley Callaghan's Book ... young engi- whoso emotions seem first to been numbed by his ostrango- from ... young girl, Anna, out of work, who shares existence In a vague sort of ...
"inauthor: Joseph Young" sur
... in Author. Schol Optimist, Speaks .it White Temple Today. When William A ... Joseph man, W. A. McDonald. 1307 Pc-nn street, never misses n i-hanco to ... young Qunylo. lose uii the contract, and pay over to him S:;f> in renl coin ...
"inauthor: Joseph Young" sur
... had tiijurf<l Iser. The Ul» cf th« SK«"> !iat •K'lth Its lest aigrettes was txpfcted to be reheArMd from a. new angle, thai of a woman In author-it) over mini young women stu deals. E»r!r that before her Iiitsrvlow with Miss Meroi.