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"inauthor: John Young (M.A.)" sur
... In- author ... young men, luhuird (,'. Miller and .). Kiohard Ohl, of South Fifth fth si reel, began to assist him to roach ach home. The\ wore joined subsequently tly by .John ... M.a'rtin's Creek, and Mrs. Samuel KIdridgc. of Kaston. She is ...
"inauthor: John Young (M.A.)" sur
... in "Author at Work"; John Cassavetes must choose between success and the truth In "The First Star" A&E. 8 p.m. ... Men. Women. Sex and AIDS' looks at the spreud ol AIDS in the heterosexual community Anchor. Tom Bro- kaw NBC. 10 p.m. MILES TO ...
"inauthor: John Young (M.A.)" sur
... John Woodiwiss, "in author, playwright, producer, actor and, " j S0n. when ... man, a red caravan) (the careened. Its wheels grated on the i they ... young man who looked like _ a school t " than the girl's girl's dream of a ...
"inauthor: John Young (M.A.)" sur
PRESBYTERIAN ASSEMBLY. JUST OUTSIDE EUSTON. BY JOHN ANTHONY, MISSION WORK IN Author ... young. In Formosa they hnu 40.000 Christians, all Presbyterians. TIM ... man in the street. living living n a Christian Christian life life in in ...
"inauthor: John Young (M.A.)" sur
... Ma. 6s. (London ; Methnen aad Co.) Satire on the average middls-das* bmmeeia ... young men in whom they are •' interested * would in themselves make ... John Lane.) Two young literary man, surfeited" with book reviewing, who ar ...
"inauthor: John Young (M.A.)" sur
... men have not. risen sen to their privilege. It is not all of o religion ... Young men, you are the centers of influence. Each has a circle of. friends ... John Mack, .1. K K. Houston, Lou Richards, John H. Telford and John Boleu ...
"inauthor: John Young (M.A.)" sur
... John W. Hall, is oui authorizod agent forthe GAZETTE at iiowcr, Mo ... men entrusted -with public and private funds. Admitting all that is claimed for ... young men, just starting out in life, are moral cowards, they have not Ihe ...
"inauthor: John Young (M.A.)" sur
... young Massachusetts woman who. fanning took an abandoned farm in that st state state a two or three years ago, and by her in in tensive farming she has already ma ... John Slocum, of Conneaut, Ohio, spent the Fourth with Slocum's parents, Mr ...
"inauthor: John Young (M.A.)" sur
... Young Lad- V M.J.I...' Im;-r .v^nt-nt, Association.', .ut. ' ri<.M»-' QJ ... JOHN w. TAYLOR. vra- ca!li-i ui'.ii to speak. He gave it is luM.j.iijiou that ... in author.ty should be per- is L« o-.-xirab'*- that the officers ^um bt ...
"inauthor: John Young (M.A.)" sur
... young Bieu who mtke a practice of loitering around various dance early in ... John S. Bowen, cf Nebraska, having died, all that was given him under the ... Ma<d ens; the Shakespeare Statuettes and the. liiveMini: fur Uiuinuir ...