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"inauthor: John Young (M.A.)" sur
... young people who will know what they want, and they will create a generation who will know how to get what they want ... John Carlos ( above, in Mexico ) and the other black athletes whose heroic demonstration at the last Olympic ...
"inauthor: John Young (M.A.)" sur
... young man at a large state university. "Further evidence that you are in a white university and one not designed for your kind, is the absence of the kind of food, clothing, cosmetics and music that you are accustomed to. Instead of ...
"inauthor: John Young (M.A.)" sur
... young man and woman tell the intimate story of how they unexpectedly went to live among the Nudists — or how they ... John Macy. Formerly $5.00 AC THE STORY OF MANKIND *0. — Hendrik Willem van Loon. Famous history of world with 188 ...