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"inauthor: John D. Post" sur
... in a long prison term for the offender. An uprooted tree be* comes a murder weapon. A clock drives a woman insane. John D. MacDonald. a master of action stories, comments about these .short stories: "Grisly surprises. She {the author] ...
"inauthor: John D. Post" sur
TOPICS IN NEW YORK Brander be one of the MOM Prominent Literary Men ... D"an IIowclls jiiujit look to hid laurolH, Here1 )• fore ho IIIIB lipr-n ... John I. Wnt. i« li-ii, Ki ink J< f • irwls nt.-l W'l.irn Harbour, fn-.-r M ...
"inauthor: John D. Post" sur
... In Christ church h Thursday evening. Ur. Darnell in author r. Vhriu'ltevlV D. Walker w,U hold d connrmatlon servlco ... John Hopkins, with Dr. B. Egglc-gton, «H health ofllcer. Roynlton llrpiiblU-iiiia Pl;u;o a Tiokot tlio -Alilprnioii Moot.
"inauthor: John D. Post" sur
... John and Kathleen Jo Myers Marutiak of West Deer. Q Zarah Blair of Sarver is Har- marville Rehabilitation Center's featured Artist of the Month for January. Included in ... D The Pittsburgh Concert Chorale, a member of Chorus America, opens ...
"inauthor: John D. Post" sur
... John is fighting for employees of the Baltimore office. It is a tribute to ... d, all you have to do These figures arc "low cs- Ihe moiling pol of Ihe ... POST- Cily Councilman Leon Ru- wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Julian problem. iiood ...
"inauthor: John D. Post" sur
... in fMcniive ftuck ul Over Coats, Unoer (oats, Pants. Vi-nls. &i>.ul the ... d \i-ry rich Maltese Clam. zela-n und Sieetes and Collnm and aleevesln ri ... JOHN. X. OlI.C-,. apollu-cuiy, olJ _1-H Wcslruliicit-rtt, I i iflC-KKU'tJ 1 ...
"inauthor: John D. Post" sur
... d not attain, therefore ho nffeeted In ise. The shopkeeper's descendant ... John Lane, The Bodley Head. London ondon nnd New York. This Is n very pretty ... after her vindication, sel off on her travels ns a devotee. The trial ...
"inauthor: John D. Post" sur
... in. author of TlA Modern Print Looks ok$ at at Hit Outdated Church.'1 (D ... POST*ApTTE» FRIDAY, AUGtJST 4, 1967. t3B 00 (3D Conpf nfrntlon CD IS) (T® Beverly ... John Ounlher, callr-d one of the world's forrmnsl nolitlral r^portefs ...
"inauthor: John D. Post" sur
... John Van Shalck )r. It Is a Macmllliin book. 'in May 25th Henry Hoit K I'D pun- Iishod El'/.abnth Ii'razcr's novel, "The Secret partner,' whicli was serialized in the "Saturday Evening Post ". Among the Stewart Kldd publlcat ns with ...
"inauthor: John D. Post" sur
... In All tin, nrimmilH shown by llvporl ut tlio ri'pKptmdliiir soui-uiiii'j ... John 11 Stedman, presented at tho annual meeting yesterday afternoon at ... d In tho afternoon, and from 8 until 10 In the evenln?, crowds of admiring ...