Horace Binney Wallace était avocat, critique d'art et de littérature et auteur accompli. Il était membre du Barreau de Philadelphie. Wikipédia (anglais)
Date de naissance : 26 février 1817
Date de décès : 16 décembre 1852, Paris, France
Ouvrages publiés : Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber: From Michaelmas Term, 3 Will. IV., to [Trinity Term, 4Will. IV.] ... Both Inclusive [1832-1834] by Charles Crompton ... and R. Meeson ... With a Table of the Cases: and References to Decisions in the American Courts. J I. Clark Hare, and H. B. Wallace, Editors, Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber: From Trinity Term, 4 Will. IV. to [Michaelmas Term, 6 Will. IV.] ... Both Inclusive [1834-1835]; with Tables of Cases and Principal Matters, Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber: From Hilary Term, 6 Will. IV. to [Easter Term, 10 Vict.] Both Inclusive; with Tables of the Cases and Principal Matters. [1836-1847] et plus
Grand-parent : Barnabas Binney
Arrière-grand-parent : Barnabas Binney
Parents : Susan Binney Wallace
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer & Exchequer Chamber: From Hilary Term, 6 Will. IV. to [Easter Term, 10 Vict.] Both Inclusive. With Tables of the Cases and Principal Matters. [1836-1847]
Art, Scenery And Philosophy in Europe
Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer and Exchequer Chamber, from Hilary Term, 6 Will: IV. , to [Easter Term 10 Vict. ] Both Inclusive. [1836-1847], Volume 8
Stanley, Or, The Recollections of a Man of the World
A Selection of Leading Cases in Equity, With Notes. by Frederick Thomas White, and Owen Davies Tudor... With Annotations, Containing References to American Cases, by J.I. Clark Hare and H.B. Wallace. With Additional Notes and References to American Decisi
A Selection of Leading Cases in Equity: Vol. II
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