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"inauthor: G T. H" sur
... in author's works [ 15-23 ] it was proved , that from phenomenological pont of view the LOY theory and the ... ( G. TN . ) . ( L.Khalfin - 1972 ) Let | a ) and ( b ) are two any nonorthogonal unstable states . If the amplitude Pab ( t ) ...
"inauthor: G T. H" sur
Mathematics. Consider the Hamiltonian H : T * MR : - H ( x , X ) = ¦ ¦ ( A , G ( x ) \ ) , where G : T * M → H is ... in author's opinion , need not be always satisfied ) CONDITION ( A ) . Every point po Є M has a fundamental ...
"inauthor: G T. H" sur
... T. 1840-1928 1878-86 2,739 1.38 29 9 33 Stoker , B. 1847-1912 1897 2,983 1.13 33 1 32 Stevenson , L. 1850-1894 1885-86 3,030 1.15 23 12 31 SOLOI7524 1 1 Wilde , O. 1854-1900 1888 2,608 0.42 8 3 11 Haggard , H ... G. 1866-1946 1895-98 ...
"inauthor: G T. H" sur
... T and ATG S. THIERFELDER , G. HOFFMANN - FEZER , H. RODT , U. KUMMER ... H - 2 incomp- atible F , recipients . Injection of anti - Th - 1 did not ... in Author's abstract . Mytilus edulis : relation to mode of administration ...
"inauthor: G T. H" sur
... in author's book [ 21 ] . It should be stressed that the admissibility with ... ( t ) y ( t ) \ dt < ∞ for | x x < 1 } . The norm in X ' is the sup appearing in ( 24 ) . - > Let g : R L ( R " , R " ) be a measurable weight function , and ...
"inauthor: G T. H" sur
Il décrit une amitié parfaite, celle qui est réciproque au point que les âmes se confondent.
"inauthor: G T. H" sur
... Th . Bezam . Je ne puis m'empêcher de vous faire part d'une petite défiance que j'ai eue , & de l'effet qu'elle a ... Gt- ( 46 ) Caf- tellio , in Author . Li- belli cui Titulus eft Calumnia Nebulonis , pag.m. 19 . Langue Greque ( c ) ...
"inauthor: G T. H" sur
... G. Eisen . ) Paratypes . - ♂ ♂ . Totonicipan , Guatemala . ( Dr. G. Eisen . ) Types in U. S. Nat . Mus . coll , ( No. 15,135 ) . One paratype in author's ... h . Wing of Furcomyia andicola , sp . n . 335 66 " 6 i . F. 66 j . 66 F. k . " " F ...
"inauthor: G T. H" sur
... T. Grime . North - East Coast Instn . Engrs . and Ship builders , advance ... H. Herschel . Engrs . ' Soc . West . Pa .. Proc . , vol . 38 , no . 10 , Jan ... G. Winifred Ford . Faraday Soc . Trans . , vol . 18 , part 1 , no . 52 ...
"inauthor: G T. H" sur
... H .; e . Univ . of Man . , 1929 ; Gt . Am . Ins . Co. , Supt . of Agencies 1934 ; trans . B.A. 1919 , LL.B. 1922 ; Northwestern Univ . , A.M. to H.O. , Montreal , as Asst . Mgr . , 1937 ; mem . , 1927 ; Harvard Univ . , Ph.D. 1935 ; m ...