Professor of Radiology, University of Pisa - Cited by 9268 - Radiology
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Looking for books by D. Caramella? See all books authored by D. Caramella, including Image Processing in Radiology : Current Applications and more on ...
D Caramella's 174 research works with 2620 citations, including: An in-depth assessment of variability in image quality across five different CT scanners as ...
81,06 $US
Davide Caramella . Steffen Achenbach The world around us is changing at an unparalleled pace. It is difficult to un derstand and describe the meaning of ...
Professor of Radiology, University of Pisa - 引用次数:9237 次 - Radiology
Professor of Radiology, University of Pisa - Цитирано 9.128. пута - Radiology
The Internet for Radiologists, Edited by D. Caramella and P. Pavone, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999. IX, 195 pp. 191 figures DM 49 ISBN, 3-540-63151-8.
Davide Caramella . Steffen Achenbach The world around us is changing at an unparalleled pace. It is difficult to un derstand and describe the meaning of ...