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"inauthor: Charles Snart" sur
... in author's Paris flat. EBONY sponsored the remainder of his trip. He has ... smart brain." Then the boy walked to the post office in Accra and sent the letter on its way. Capt. Simmons was ... Charles Wayo by Charles L Sanders.
"inauthor: Charles Snart" sur
... Charles Bouc, Chicago, devised this turning cradle (above) for his Condor hull. Don Moody, San Diego, built level floor on which to erect mold frames and form stringers for his B-29. Both designs are in author's soon-to-be-published ...
"inauthor: Charles Snart" sur
... in author's Paris flat. EBONY sponsored the remainder of his trip. He has ... Charles W. Simmons, a U. S. Air Force captain whom he had set out to visit ... smart brain." Then the boy walked to the post office in Accra and sent ...
"inauthor: Charles Snart" sur
... Smart, too, has been the producers' terplng slant. The tulle-and-toe ... Charles S. Dubin It may be that Messrs. Joseph Hyman and Bernard Hart (in ... In Author Turney's book, getting away with murder Is easy, because everybody ...