The book pragmatically explores patterns of enactment in analysis through three extensive cases in which chronic and significant lateness characterized the analysis.
Combining a comprehensive account of Freudian theory with a synthesis of contemporary psychoanalysis, this volume includes the contributions of Margaret Mahler and Erik Erikson, as well as those of Kohut, Kemberg, Hartmann, Fairbairn and ...
In this provocative book, W. W. Meissner, a Jesuit and psychoanalyst, attempts to bring about a rapprochement between psychoanalysis and religious thinking.
This book, written by a psychiatrist-psychoanalyst who is also a Jesuit, is the first work to look behind the events, accounts, and documents of Ignatius' life and religious experience in order to enter and understand his inner world.
Part 3: Toward a Clinical Theory of the Paranoid Process. 16 Paranoia as Process. 17 Paranoid Mechanisms: Introjection. 18 Paranoid Mechanisms: Projection. 19 Paranoid Mechanisms: Phobic States and Nightmares. 20 Paranoid Constructions. 21 ...