Fischer carefully balances the social, psychological, collective and individual aspects of the rise and fall of Nazi Germany, while paying full attention to the broad range of factors that went into the creation of the Nazi state.
" In Hitler and America, historian Klaus P. Fischer seeks to understand more deeply how Hitler viewed America, the nation that was central to Germany's defeat. He reveals Hitler's split-minded image of America: America and Amerika.
"-Publishers Weekly From the reviews of History of an Obsession "This is truly a significant work, for Fischer gives a balanced account of a complex subject, making it painfully clear just how Germany became capable of genocide.
In this major work, Klaus Fischer unravels the complex history of Judeophobia in its four essential forms: Christian, nationalistic, social-discriminatory, and biological-racial.
This book provides insight into the work of Oswald Spengler (1880-1936), one of the most prophetic minds of the 20th century, whose dire historical predictions - world wars, ecological disasters, gigantic cities with unrestrained urban ...
Fischer scrive la storia come dovrebbe essere scritta, con sensibilità e straordinaria immaginazione.» Leonard Marsak, University of California, Santa Barbara Klaus P. Fischer è nato a Monaco di Baviera nel 1942.
In "aufgeklärten" Ländern herrscht der Eindruck, Evolutionstheorie habe den Glauben an den Schöpfer abgelöst; der sich 'ewig' entwickelnde Weltstoff übernehme dessen Funktion.
Die päpstliche Enzyklika "Die Freude der Liebe" (2016) fand zwiespältige Aufnahme: viel Zustimmung, aber auch Kritik: es fehlten klare, handliche Direktiven - die aber (fürchten andere), kämen sie, den Willen Gottes fälschen würden.
Das vorliegende Büchlein will durch die Erläuterung der zentralen biblischen Texte Erkenntnisse fördern, die ein grundsätzliches Verständnis der Eucharistiefeier von den frühesten Anfängen ermöglichen.