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"inauthor:"Charles Simmons"" sur
In the summer of 1963 I fell in love and my father drowned.... So begins this sweet, ominous novel by Charles Simmons.
"inauthor:"Charles Simmons"" sur
In an insightful and outrageous romp, Charles Simmons wickedly charts the minefields of lust and love./divDIV/div/div
"inauthor:"Charles Simmons"" sur
And the Great American Novel he is writing—about a man named Austin who is becoming invisible—may be a bit too much for the reading public to handle.
"inauthor:"Charles Simmons"" sur
« Cétait pendant lété de 1968 que je tombai amoureux et que mon père se noya. »Cette première phrase cinglante annonce sans préavis les événements qui bouleverseront la vie dun adolescent qui durant la belle-saison tombera ...